

我愛台妹 - MC HotDog 熱狗&張震嶽 A-Yue

MC HotDog 熱狗&張震嶽 A-Yue【我愛台妹】Official Music Video



我愛台妹 (feat. 張震嶽)

我愛台妹 (feat. 張震嶽)

  • MC HotDog
  • 中国ヒップホップ
  • ¥153
  • provided courtesy of iTunes


我的阿妹妹 快来跟我跳阿哥哥

wo de a mei mei kuai lai gen wo tiao a ge ge

Hey my girl, come on and dance with me



Go 我知道你看到是我 你不会说No

wo zhi dao ni kan dao shi wo ni bu hui shuo No

I know if you were recognized me, You wouldn't say No

お前が見てるのはこの俺ってわかってる お前もNOとは言わない



wo bu shi you tou ye jiao shou

I am not Professor Ye with oily hair



我的homiez都叫我热狗4 sure

wo de homiez du jiao wo re gou 4 sure

All my homies call me Hot Dog, for sure

ツレたちは皆、俺を「熱狗(Hot Dog)」って呼ぶ


女孩 就喜欢你台台

nv hai jiu xi huan ni tai tai

Hey girl, I like your Taiwanese style 



等等去家里home pa要不要来

deng deng qu jia li home pa yao bu yao lai

Go back home and have a home party later, Won’t you come?

あとで家へ行ってHome Partyするけど来ないか?



zhi pa ni gua de tai kuai

I’m just afraid that you would ring off soon,




ming tian yao qu miao li shou jing bai bai

saying "Tomorrow I have to go a temple and pray."



How high! We can Kiss the sky


人生海海 我们不会只是Stand One Night

ren sheng hai hai wo men bu hui zhi shi Stand One Night

Life is boring, we cannot end up with the one night stand

人生は平凡で退屈 俺たちは、一夜限りの恋はしない


One Night in 垦丁 我留下许多情

One Night in ken ding wo liu xia xu duo qing

One night in Kenting, I left how many various thoughts

one night in 墾丁... 俺はたくさんの感情をあそこにおいてきたよ


你是我的可口可乐 帮我解渴

ni shi wo de ke kou ke le bang wo jie ke

You are my Coca-Cola, ease my thirst

お前は俺のコカコーラ のどの渇きを潤してくれる



kan wo chuan zhuo jiu zhi dao wo wan rao she

Take a look at  my clothes, then you’ll know that I’m a rapper



不用说我坏话 因为我有顺风耳

bu yong shuo wo huai hua yin wei wo you shun feng er

Do not say bad things to me, because I have sharp ears




ru guo shi ni du zi da wo dai ni qu kan shun feng fu chan ke

If your stomach gets bigger, then I will bring you to Soonpoong maternity clinic



我爱台妹 台妹爱我

wo ai tai mei tai mei ai wo

I love Taiwanese girls, Taiwanese girls love me

俺は台妹(タイメイ)を愛してる 台妹も俺を愛してる



dui wo lai shuo lin zhi ling suan shi me

To me, how could Lin Chi-ling be a matter?



我爱台妹 台妹爱我

wo ai tai mei tai mei ai wo

I love Taiwanese girls, Taiwanese girls love me

俺は台妹(タイメイ)を愛してる 台妹も俺を愛してる



dui wo lai shuo hou pei suan shi me

To me, how could Patty Hou be a matter?




wo bu ai zhong guo xiao jie

I do not like Chinese ladies.



我爱台妹 万万岁

wo ai tai mei wan wan sui

I like Taiwanese girls, hooray!

台湾娘を愛してるんだ 万々


你的槟榔2粒要100好贵 有没有含税(睡)

ni de lang 2 li yao 100 hao gui you mei you han shui

2 grains of betel nuts for 100 NTD is very expensive, is there contain tax(one night)

お前の売ってる檳榔は2粒で100元って高いな お前と寝る費用込みじゃないのか?



ru guo neng gou he ni gong zhen mian

If I could spend a night with you




geng duo geng duo de nai fen qian

I would gladly give you more money for milk powder



我愿意为你贡献 我不是爱现

wo yuan yi wei ni gong xian wo bu shi ai xian

I’d like contribute to you, I’m not to enjoy showing off

俺は喜んで出してやるぜ 見せびらかしは嫌いなんだ



qing ni pen shang yi dian dian xiao hun de xiang shui

Please sprinkle a little bit of the perfume with ecstasy

魂が抜けるような香水を どうか少しだけふってくれないか



huan shang ni zui xing gan de gao gen xie

and change your shoes to the sexiest high heels



人群之中 你最亮眼

ren qun zhi zhong ni zui liang yan

Among the crowd, you are the most dazzling



台妹来了 我是否和你一拍即合

tai mei lai liao wo shi fou he ni yi pai ji he

Taiwanese girl has come, Could I get together with you?

台妹がやってきた 俺はお前と一発ヤることができるのか?



gen wo qu hen duo de bu liang chang he

Go to so many unsavory places



大家看到我都对我喊 YES SIR

da jia kan dao wo du dui wo han YES SIR

Eeverybody says "yes sir" when they look at me

みんな俺を見れば「Yes sir」と叫ぶ


因为我是公认最屌的 Rapper

yin wei wo shi gong ren zui diao de Rapper

ecause I'm certified the coolest rapper



台妹们 麻烦和我拍拖

tai mei men ma fan he wo pai tuo

Hey Taiwanese girls, I'm sorry but do you want to do it with me?



我不是凯子 可是付钱我也不会罗嗦

wo bu shi kai zi ke shi fu qian wo ye bu hui luo

I'm not rich, but I won't complain about paying money



纯情是什么 我不懂

chun qing shi shi me wo bu dong

What is pure?  It doesn't matter to me.



我的想法很邪恶 张震岳他懂

wo de xiang fa hen xie e zhang zhen yue ta dong

I am full of evil thoughts. A-YUE, he really knows that

俺の考え方は邪悪だ 張震嶽、あいつはよく分かってるはずだ



我爱台妹 台妹爱我

wo ai tai mei tai mei ai wo


dui wo lai shuo lin zhi ling suan shi me

我爱台妹 台妹爱我

wo ai tai mei tai mei ai wo


dui wo lai shuo hou pei suan shi me



为了你 我可能要投资一家槟榔摊

wei liao ni wo ke neng yao tou zi yi jia lang tan

For you, I would have to invest to a betel nut stall

お前のために 俺は一軒檳榔屋に投資してやるよ


为了你 家里可能要有钢管

wei liao ni jia li ke neng yao you gang guan

For you, I would have to get ready for a steel pipe at home

お前のために 家に鉄パイプ準備しとく必要があるようだな


为了你 我要常常下去台南

wei liao ni wo yao chang chang xia qu tai nan

For you, I’ll often go to Tainan

お前のために 俺はしょっちゅう台南に行ってやるよ


为了你 流氓会来找我麻烦

wei liao ni liu mang hui lai zhao wo ma fan

For you, I would get into trouble with the thugs

お前のために チンピラと揉め事になりそうだな



dui yu dai zhuo yi dian tai wan wei de nv sheng

When I'm with a woman with a little bit of Taiwanese taste




wo de shen shang xian su hao bu kao lv liang qi hong deng

my adrenalin couldn't care about even a bright red light



毕竟你也不是天使 我也不是圣人

bi jing ni ye bu shi tian shi wo ye bu shi sheng ren

Anyway, you are not an angel, nor am I a saint

いずれにせよ お前は天使じゃないし俺も聖人じゃない


时尚的野兽 那就请你滚 我受够

shi shang de ye shou na jiu qing ni gun wo shou gou

I'm a beast in fashion, and would like you to go back. I’ve had enough 

流行り野獣 じゃあ悪いけど帰ってくれないか もうたくさんだ


你是马戏团训练有素的 Animal

ni shi ma xi tuan xun lian you su de Animal

You are trained animal at a circus



所有男模 女模 你在屌什么

suo you nan mo nv mo ni zai diao shenme

All the man and woman, why do you pretend to be cool

全ての男のモデル 女のモデル 何をCOOLぶってんだ


我就不信你现在还有处女膜 都是凯子搓

wo jiu bu xin ni xian zai huan you chu nv mo du shi kai zi cuo

I don’t believe you still have the maidenhead

You must always play with credulous guys

俺はお前にまだ処女膜があるとは信じられない どうせ金ヅルなんだろ



xi huan tai mei shuo hua de kou yin

I like the way of talking of Taiwanese girls




you shi hou jia dai ji ju kao bei san zi jing

often saying "shit" or "fuck your mother



爱神的箭 你要射向哪里

ai shen de jian ni yao she xiang na li

An arrow of the god of love, at where do you shoot?

愛の神様の矢 お前なら誰に向かって飛ばす?


这里 Free9 张震狱 热狗 这里 等你

zhe li Free9 zhang zhen yu re gou zhe li deng ni

Here, free9, A-YUE, and MC Hotdog are waiting here for you

ここでFree9 張震嶽 熱狗 ここで お前を待ってる





Yo Yo 把手放在空中甩

wo jiao ni shi me du bu yong guan

Put up your hands swing in the air 




rang wo kan ni ba shou fang zai kong zhong shuai

you don't have to care about anything




ba shou fang zai kong zhong shuai

Let me see put up your hands swing in the air 



tai mei shou fang zai kong zhong shuai


台妹 手放在空中甩

wo jiao ni shi me du bu yong guan



tai ke shou fang zai kong zhong shuai


台客 手放在空中甩

ba shou fang zai kong zhong shuai



ba yi fu du xian qi lai



Strip off your clothes,




ba nai zhao du diu shang lai 

throw away your bra




ba yi fu du xian qi lai


ba nai zhao du diu shang lai


ba yi fu du xian qi lai


ba nai zhao du diu shang lai


引用:作詞作曲 - Mc Hot Dog&張震嶽